TEC News

TEC News

Public Health Management Certificate Program


The Public Health Management Certificate program offers an opportunity to deepen knowledge about managing teams, money, and information. New, mid-level, and emerging managers working in governmental public health are encouraged to apply.

Through on-site sessions, core and elective courses, distance learning, and an integrated project, Management Certificate scholars build core skills such as budgeting, assessment, policy development, program planning, communications, and systems thinking. The integrated project experience enables scholars to apply what they learn to their current workplace, and practice their new skills.

June 2018 to June 2019

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GIS Essentials: Mapping Your Community™ Workshops


In the GIS Essentials: Mapping Your Community™ Workshops you will learn to create maps and analyze data about your local community. Great for beginners and those that would like a refresher on mapping and ArcGIS. Workshops are taught by bestselling author Gina Clemmer using the text the GIS 20: Essential Skills (included in registration).

These are half day, hands-on workshops (9 AM / 12 EST to 2 PST / 5 EST). The workshops are taught online, by a live instructor. Students login from any computer and view a screen share, and dial in to a conference call. The class is conducted like a live class where students can ask questions and participate in group discussions.

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