United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. Tribal Epidemiology Center

The United South and Eastern Tribes, Inc. (USET) Tribal Epidemiology Center (TEC) was established in 1996 by Congress through the reauthorization of the Indian Health Care Improvement Act. The USET TEC serves 33 federally recognized Tribal Nations from the Northeastern Woodlands to the Everglades and across the Gulf of Mexico. The USET TEC is dedicated to improving the health and quality of life of Tribal communities, improving the capabilities of Tribal health departments, assisting the USET member Tribal Nations in dealing effectively with public health issues, and in serving the broad health needs of Tribal citizens.
The USET TEC monitors and reports on the health status of member Tribal Nations in an effort to reduce disease and improve wellness. The TEC strives to improve quality of life by evaluating Tribal health data, monitoring health trends, providing technical assistance about data collection, analyzing population health data, and supporting initiatives that promote health. The USET TEC consistently provides aggregate and Tribal Nation-specific reports on mortality by utilizing state death certificate data, childhood and adult immunizations by utilizing Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) data, and diabetes by utilizing RPMS diabetes audit data.
As a designated Public Health Authority (P.L 94-437 through the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA]), the USET TEC supports member Tribal Nations in improving the health of Tribal communities through multiple partnerships. Some partnerships include working with the Indian Health Service Nashville Area Office on injury prevention through an infant car seat education program, the National Library of Medicine on a maternal child health project for breastfeeding education, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding Tribal Nation community health assessments.
The USET TEC monitors and reports on the health status of member Tribal Nations in an effort to reduce disease and improve wellness. The TEC strives to improve quality of life by evaluating Tribal health data, monitoring health trends, providing technical assistance about data collection, analyzing population health data, and supporting initiatives that promote health. The USET TEC consistently provides aggregate and Tribal Nation-specific reports on mortality by utilizing state death certificate data, childhood and adult immunizations by utilizing Resource Patient Management System (RPMS) data, and diabetes by utilizing RPMS diabetes audit data.
As a designated Public Health Authority (P.L 94-437 through the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act [HIPAA]), the USET TEC supports member Tribal Nations in improving the health of Tribal communities through multiple partnerships. Some partnerships include working with the Indian Health Service Nashville Area Office on injury prevention through an infant car seat education program, the National Library of Medicine on a maternal child health project for breastfeeding education, and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention regarding Tribal Nation community health assessments.

Public Health Epidemiology Careers Podcast
USET Success Stories
Increasing BreastfeedingAnnual Diabetes Report
Starting to Quit
2018 Area Impact Award Winner
United South and Eastern Tribes Tribal Epidemiology Center
Nashville, TN
Director: Christy Duke
Phone: (615) 872-7900
12 Tribal Epidemiology Centers