Navajo Epidemiology Center

The Navajo Epidemiology Center (NEC) was established in 2005 to manage Navajo Nation’s public health information systems, investigate diseases and injuries of concern, provide data and reports to help health programs effectively manage programs, respond to public health emergencies, and coordinate these activities with other public health authorities. The NEC’s primary objectives are: data collection, analysis and interpretation; health surveillance; disease control and prevention; and data sharing.
Mission Statement:
To contribute to Hozho of Dine People by
- Monitoring health status
- Maintaining disease surveillance
- Conducting health research
- Conducting disease outbreak investigation
- Reporting health data
- Providing technical assistance
- Identifying priority health concerns
Vision Statement:
Empowering Dine People to achieve Hozho through naalniih naalkaah (epidemiology – disease surveillance).

Public Health Epidemiology Careers Podcast
Navajo Epidemiology Center
Window Rock, AZ
Director: Del Yazzie
Phone: (928) 357-6237
12 Tribal Epidemiology Centers