

Maternal and Child Health Training: Maternal-Infant-Matrix (MIM) Storyboard Methodology Practicum



  • Friday, May 8 to Sunday, May 10, 2020 (3 day course: $350/person) – Scheduled after the EIS conference
  • May 25 – 29, 2020 (5 day course: $500/person)-Scheduled before the Epidemiology in Action Course and the International Course in Applied Epidemiology

The MIM/SM methodology has five component parts:

  • Defining the MCH system with particular attention to the Comprehensive Emergency Obstetrical and Newborn Care (CEm ONC) system;
  • Use of the continuous management cycle for quality improvement;
  • Defining the local indicator matrix (LIM ) and assuring linkage of process indicators to outcome indicators to avoid outcome displacement;
  • Completing the Quality Improvement (QI) story by implementing the QA/QI methods and techniques;
  • Conducting the Quality Improvement Collaborative (QIC) for scaling up the intervention package.

To register or if you have any questions, please contact Pia Valeriano at:

Epidemiology in Action with R-Studio Course


This course is directed at public health professionals who wish to learn epidemiology or to review how epidemiology is used in disease investigations. This training includes discussions of descriptive epidemiology, ecology of infections, biostatistics, public health surveillance, field investigations and table-top case exercises based on actual field investigations and hands-on computer training using Epi-Info. Selected prevalent diseases in North America are also discussed.

Apply for this course

Familiarity with the vocabulary and principles of basic epidemiology; participants are recommended to complete CDC’s Principle’s of Epidemiology self-study course or equivalent.

Sample Agenda

Registration Fee: $2000
Housing, textbook and food, NOT included in fees.

Recommended prerequisite review:

  • Applied Epidemiology Manual

Text books:

  • Epidemiology for Public Health Practice by Friis and Sellers, 5th Edition
  • Field Epidemiology by Michael Gregg, 3rd Edition

Recommended Textbooks:

  • Communicable Disease Manual
  • A Dictionary of Epidemiology

Continuing Education Information:

  • Certificate of attendance will be issued upon completion of this course

Monday, June 1, 2020 – Friday, June 12, 2020
8:30 AM – 12:00 PM
Eastern Time Zone

Claudia Nance Rollins Auditorium
Rollins School of Public Health
1518 Clifton Rd.
CNR 6001
Atlanta, Georgia 30322

Surveillance in Public Health Training


This course is cosponsored by CDC (Center for Surveillance, Epidemiology, and Laboratory Services) and Emory University (Rollins School of Public Health). Classes will be taught by CDC and Emory field experts.

May 18 – 22, 2020
(deadline April 18, 2020 or later with available seating)

$850 (4.5 days training)

Apply for this course

Course Covers:

  • History of Public Health Surveillance (PHS)
  • Overview of PHS
  • Considerations in planning PHS
  • Sources and collection of data for PHS
  • Data science and its role in PHS
  • Analysis and Interpretation of PHS data
  • Communicating PHS data
  • Ethics and legal issues in PHS
  • State and Local issues in PHS
  • The Emerging Role of Artificial Intelligence in PHS
  • Evaluating PHS data/systems

Special topics in Public Health Surveillance (PHS):

  • Foodborne/Molecular surveillance
  • Cancer surveillance
  • Syndromic surveillance
  • HIV/AIDS surveillance

Hands-on table top PHS case study exercises:

  • Epidemiologic response to Hurricane
  • NY City Surveillance
  • Development of Surveillance Systems


Alaska Indigenous Research Program (AKIRP)


Promoting Resilience, Health, and Wellness May 4-22, 2020

About this Event:
The Alaska Native Tribal Health Consortium (ANTHC) and Alaska Pacific University (APU) are hosting the second Alaska Indigenous Research Program (AKIRP): Promoting Resilience, Health and Wellness May 4-22, 2020.

We encourage those who are interested in Indigenous research methodology, Alaska Native/American Indian heath research, public health professionals, researchers, undergraduate and graduate students, and recent high school graduates over 18 to apply.

Space is limited to 50 people per week. The option to apply for multiple weeks is available! We suggest taking weeks 1 and 2 together or weeks 2 and 3 together.

• Week 1 | May 4-8 |Advanced Research
• Week 2 | May 11-15| Health Ethics Courses
• Week 3 | May 18-22| Introductory Research Courses
• There is no cost for the three weeks of courses
• Limited scholarships available for travel (airfare, room and board)
• Academic credit available

APU Carr Gottstein
4225 University Drive
Anchorage, AK 99508

For more information please visit our web page at


Contact for questions:
Lauren Smayda // // (907)-729-4551
Karli Tyance Hassell // // 907-729-4583

Tribal Grant Writing


In this workshop you will:

  • Improve your grant writing skills
  • Increase your understanding of the components and requirements of grant applications
  • Review principles of technical writing
  • Practice strategies to relay information in grant applications
  • Learn tips and standards Grant Reviewers use as they screen applications

When: Dec 10-12, 2019
Where: Nome, AK
Cost: $100

Register at:

Trainers: Jay Blackwell and Elton Naswood
Lunch provided
Travel scholarships available
CPH credits available