Karrie Joseph, MPH, CHES, Public Health Programs Manager, NIHB
Carrie Sampson (Umatilla, WallaWalla, Cayuse), Assistant Administrator, Yellowhawk Tribal Health Center
Tribal communities bear a disproportionate burden of social, economic, and/or environmental disadvantage relative to other racially or ethnically defined population groups. Therefore, ensuring that all American Indians and Alaska Natives (AI/ANs) achieve the highest level of health possible will require broad-spectrum action that goes beyond addressing individual determinants and disease management to include action to address such disadvantages.
The changing landscape of public health, with a multi-disciplinary approach focused on the social determinants of health, is a true opportunity to advance the well-being of AI/AN communities. The National Indian Health Board (NIHB), in partnership with the NPA, has taken a proactive and strategic approach to building the public health capacity of tribal health departments through information gathering and dissemination, capacity building, and awareness raising.
This webinar will highlight the work that has been done at the national level as well as within a tribal community to advance health equity and improve health outcomes for AI/ANs.
Presenters will:
• Provide a background on the landscape of public health in Indian Country;
• Discuss the findings of an environmental scan on the state of public health accreditation and health equity within tribal communities; and
• Share one tribe’s approach to using public health accreditation activities to achieve health equity within its community.