NIHB Announces Climate Ready Tribes Funding Opportunities
The National Indian Health Board (NIHB), with support from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), is pleased to announce a call for applications for two new Climate Ready Tribes (CRT) Initiative funding opportunities. NIHB will offer a CRT Initiative Award of up to $50,000 to up to three Tribes to conduct local work related to climate health. This may include improving and maintaining partnerships, identifying best practices, and implementing evidence-based programs and services. NIHB will also offer a CRT Initiative Mini-Award for Climate and Health Communication of up to $5000 to up to three Tribes to conduct low-cost, local work including climate health outreach, educational, or training opportunities. The project period for both projects will run approximately January 1, 2019 through June 30, 2019.
Due Wednesday, November 28, 2018