Grant Opportunities

Grant Opportunities

TECPHI NOFO – CDC-RFA-DP22-2206 Tribal Epidemiology Centers Public Health Infrastructure

Grant Opportunities, TEC News

The purpose of the NOFO is to strengthen the public health infrastructure and capacity of 1) Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs) and 2) the tribes and Urban Indian Organizations (UIO) they support to meet national public health accreditation standards and deliver the 10 Essential Public Health Services. This work will support efforts to effectively identify and address underlying social determinants of health, reduce persistent health disparities, and improve the overall health and wellbeing of American Indian and Alaska Native populations.

Deadline for Applications: May 11, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. U.S. Eastern Daylight Time

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The GIS Pilot Project for Tribes and Tribal Environmental Programs

Grant Opportunities, TEC News

Funding Description

The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is accepting applications for a GIS Pilot Project designed to support Tribal environmental health programs carrying out surveillance, epidemiology, laboratory capacity, and other COVID-19 preparedness and response activities. Tribes, Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TECs), Tribal Health Departments, or Tribal environmental health programs awarded the grant will be required to pilot the Tribal-Focused Environmental Risk and Sustainability (Tribal-FERST) Tool and identify opportunities and challenges for improving the tool to support system-wide efforts.

The GIS Pilot Project will support Tribal environmental health staff conducting COVID-19 investigations and integrating environmental health data with data from other sources to enhance COVID-19 surveillance and monitoring.


Apply Today

To apply for this funding opportunity, submit an application to Brett Weber at no later than Friday, February 25, 2022 at 11:59 PM Eastern Standard Time.
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TPWIC NOFO – CDC-RFA-DP22-2201 Tribal Practices for Wellness in Indian Country

Grant Opportunities, TEC News

CDC-RFA-DP22-2201 Tribal Practices for Wellness in Indian Country (TPWIC) is a cooperative agreement Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) supported by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Approximately $4 million is available for annual funding. CDC anticipates making up to 30 awards with an average one-year award amount of $100,000 – $150,000, subject to availability of funding. The cooperative agreement’s period of performance is from June 30, 2022 – June 29, 2027, pending continued funding.

This NOFO offers support for the implementation of tribal practices and cultural traditions to build resiliency and connections to community and culture to improve physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual health and wellbeing within AI/AN communities. This approach will include implementation of tribal wellness practices that were identified by tribal health leaders who were convened by CDC in 2016 and lessons learned from the previous cooperative agreement, Tribal Practices for Wellness in Indian Country (CDC-RFA-DP18-1812PPHF18). Consideration of social determinants of health will guide evaluation for this NOFO, which will focus on how program strategies lead to increased perception of cultural connectedness among participants, increased traditional physical activity, increased healthy traditional foods in diets, and increased participant perception of social/emotional wellbeing.

Deadline for Applications: March 16, 2022 by 11:59 p.m. ET
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RFA: UIHI Offers Grant Opportunities, $615,310 Available in Funds

Grant Opportunities

We have released our request for applications for our 2021–2022 Community Grants Program! This year we are offering two types of funding opportunities—at least six Sage grants ($90,000–$95,885) and up to four Sweetgrass grants ($10,000)—to address chronic disease education, prevention, and management in the urban American Indian and Alaska Native population.
To be eligible for funding under our Sage and Sweetgrass grants, the applying organization must be:

  • An Urban Indian Organization (UIO)—a Title V program as defined by the Indian Health Service;
  • A member of the National Urban Indian Family Coalition (NUIFC);
  • An urban Indian organization and/or program receiving SASP/DVP formerly, MSPI/DVPI funding, as defined by the Indian Health Service; or
  • A not-for-profit urban Indian organization whose leadership and board are made up of a majority of urban Indians, and whose mission is to provide public health services to urban Indians may be eligible to apply on a case-by-case basis.

To help you prepare your application, we hosted a pre-application webinar on Monday, July 12, 2021. The webinar covered the program, the application process, and addressed other questions from applicants. If you missed it or want to rewatch it, you can check it out below!

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Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program

Grant Opportunities

NTIA issues this NOFO to describe the requirements under which it will award grants for the Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program, authorized by the Consolidated Appropriations Act, 2021, Division N, Title IX, Section 905(c), Public Law 116-260, 134 Stat. 1182 (Dec. 27, 2020) (Act). The Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program provides new federal funding for grants to eligible entities to expand access to and adoption of: (i) broadband service on Tribal Land; or (ii) for programs that promote the use of broadband to access remote learning, telework, or telehealth resources during the COVID–19 pandemic.

Applications Due: September 1, 2021

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