The National Indian Health Board is pleased to announce it is accepting applications for three funding opportunities related to dental therapy in Indian Country. These announcements are part of NIHB’s Tribal Oral Health Initiative.
Completed applications should be submitted to Brett Weber at and should reference the grant code in the subject line.
Tribal Colleges and Universities Implementation Activities or Feasibility Study for Dental Therapy Training Programs
Grant code: DHAT 1- TCU
Funding amount: $15,000
The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is offering a funding opportunity for Tribal colleges and universities (TCUs) to implement projects to develop stronger and more reliant oral health care in Indian Country. The subawards will support projects to implement activities that support training and educational opportunities for dental therapy students, or to undertake a feasibility study to explore what is needed to begin a dental therapy training program at the TCU.
The NIHB will provide up to 2 subawards to 2 different TCUs. The project period will run for six months, from September 1, 2020 to February 28, 2020.
Applications due: 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, July 20, 2020.
Apply here!
Tribes and Tribal Organizations Implementation of Dental Health Aide Therapy
Grant code: DHAT 2- IMPL
Funding amount: $25,000
The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is offering a funding opportunity for AI/AN Tribes and Tribal organizations to support the implementation of state dental therapy laws in Tribal settings. The subawards will be used to implement dental therapy in Tribal communities in states that have a legal mechanisms for dental therapists to practice within the Indian health system.
The NIHB will provide up to 3 subawards to Tribes and/or Tribal organizations. The project period will fun for six months, from September 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021.
Applications are due at 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, July 20, 2020.
Apply here!
Tribes and Tribal Organizations Education and Outreach Programs for Dental Health Aide Therapy
Grant code: DHAT 3- EDU_OUT
Funding amount: $25,000
The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) is offering a funding opportunity for AI/AN Tribes and Tribal organizations to strengthen efforts and launch new targeted efforts to enhance federal, state, and Tribal policies supportive of dental therapy with the Indian health system.
The NIHB will provide up to 3 subawards to Tribes and/or Tribal organizations. The project period will run for six months, from September 1, 2020 to February 28, 2021.
Applications are due by 11:59 PM EDT on Monday, July 20, 2020.
Apply here!
For any questions, please contact Brett Weber, NIHB’s Public Health Policy and Programs Manager, at