New PCD Collection: Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country
A Focus on Indian Health and Wellness
Preventing Chronic Disease (PCD) is excited to present a groundbreaking new collection of articles on Indian wellness. The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country (GHWIC) seeks to build on a new sense of possibility in Indian Country. This PCD collection of 7 articles chronicles the journey of GHWIC, from conception to behavioral outcomes, as the first 5 years come to a close.
Together, the articles on GHWIC describe a model for public health practice across the country and around the world, one that seeks to be relevant to the people being served, to uplift culture and respect local knowledge, and to institutionalize sustainable health improvements.
- Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country: A New Partnership and Approach – Bauer UE, Espey DK
- A Holistic Approach to Chronic Disease Prevention: Good Health and Wellness in Indian Country – Andrade NS, Espey DK, Hall ME, Bauer UE
- Creating a Public Health Community of Practice to Support American Indian and Alaska Native Communities in Addressing Chronic Disease – Williams SL, Kaigler A, Armistad A, Espey DK, Struminger BB
- Obesity and Diabetes in the Winnebago Tribe of Nebraska: From Community Engagement to Action, 2014–2019 – Alonso L, Decora L, Bauer UE
- Improving the Health of Alaska Native People Through Use of a Policy Change Model and Capacity Building – Redwood D, Mitchell-Box K, Peterson E, Provost E
- Good Health and Wellness: Measuring Impact Through an Indigenous Lens – Lawrence T, James R
- Tribal Practices for Wellness in Indian Country – Andrade NS, Jones M, Frazier SM, Percy C, Flores M Jr, Bauer UE