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TEC News

HRSA’s Maternal and Child Health Bureau launches Remote Pregnancy Monitoring Challenge

Grant Opportunities

The Maternal and Child Health Bureau of the Health Resources and Services Administration, U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, has launched a Remote Pregnancy Monitoring Challenge, with submissions for Phase 1 accepted through November 27, 2018.

Many women who are low-income in both rural and urban communities face personal barriers (e.g., work, childcare, transportation, education, culture, and language), health system barriers (e.g., hours of operation, and lack of services), and environmental barriers (e.g., location, and connectivity or cell phone coverage) in accessing prenatal care. This Challenge will award up to $375,000 over three Phases for innovative solutions that increase remote and virtual access to quality care for low-income pregnant women. Such innovations may include alleviating barriers to quality care and improving communications among patients, providers and/or broader support networks. Solutions will empower pregnant women with knowledge and tools to take charge of their health and their care.

Remote Pregnancy Monitoring Challenge