TEC News

TEC News

CTEC Success Story: Austin Boykin

Success Stories, TEC News
Austin Boykin is a member of the Bridgeport Indian Colony’s Paiute tribe and was raised in the Eastern Sierra mountains of California. His tribe is a member of the Health Consortium of the Toiyabe Indian Project, Inc., a valued member of the California Rural Indian Health Board, Inc. (CRIHB)

Haskell Indian Nations University granted Austin a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with an Emphasis in Management in 2019. Prior to joining the California Tribal Epidemiology Center (CTEC), he worked for CRIHB’s Health Systems Development Department as an administrative assistant, gaining valuable insight into American Indian Alaska Native health issues.

In 2020, Austin joined CTEC as an outreach coordinator. The majority of his time is spent gathering data sharing agreements in tribal communities and attending outreach events throughout California to promote and educate about CTEC services. Additionally, Austin coordinates the biannual CTEC Advisory Council meetings, designs and distributes the CTEC newsletter, and oversees the Summer Research Assistant Program (SRAP). Above all, he enjoys the SRAP the most since he meets a variety of qualified candidates during the recruiting phase of the project.


Austin Boykin

Austin Boykin



