TEC News

TEC News

AMCHP Issues a Call for Session & Poster Proposals – 2019 Annual Conference!

Call for Abstracts

The Association of Maternal & Child Health Programs (AMCHP) invites you to submit a workshop, session, or poster proposal for the 2019 AMCHP Annual Conference. The 2019 AMCHP conference will be held on March 9-12, 2019 at the San Antonio Riverside Marriott; San Antonio, Texas.

The theme for the 2019 conference is Investments in MCH: Strengthening Families and the MCH Workforce.

Tracks for the 2019 conference are:
• Adolescent Health (includes youth development and transition)
• Advocacy
• Child Health
• Epidemiology, Data, Assessment and/or Evaluation
• Family and Youth Engagement (includes fatherhood involvement, family-centered care)
• Health Care Financing and Coverage (includes health reform)
• Infant Health
• Life Course Approach
• MCH Systems Building
• Women’s and Maternal Health
• Workforce Development and Leadership

The proposal submission deadline is now extended to Wednesday, September 26 at 11:59 PM ET.

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