Natural Experiments of the Impact of Population-targeted Policies to Prevent Type 2 Diabetes and Diabetes Complications
This NOFO has two components, A and B.
Component A (Natural Experiment Research Centers): To support a 5-year multi-center network of independent research centers to evaluate innovative, health system and non-health system-based natural experimental approaches to alter the diabetogenic characteristics of US communities.
Applicants will select one of the following two tracks:
Track 1 Evaluation of population-level programs or policies that affect population-level risk factors for type 2 diabetes (such as diet or physical activity, as well as other health behaviors; glucose; prediabetes), or
Track 2 Evaluation of programs or policies aimed at improving care and management of diabetes, and the risk for diabetes complications.
Component B (Coordinating Center): To fund a Coordinating Center (CC) to provide organizational, logistic and communication support to enhance the efficiency, productivity, and public health impact of the Natural Experiments research centers that are funded as part of Component A.
Applications Due: Feb. 04, 2020
Electronically submitted applications must be submitted no later than 5:00 p.m., ET, on the listed application due date.