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TEC News

2020 Cross-jurisdictional Systems Improvement Partnership

Grant Opportunities

Applications Due Friday, December 6, 2019

Download the full Request for Applications

Public health and systems issues often span jurisdictional boundaries. To improve public health systems and infrastructure, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has partnered with the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials (ASTHO), the National Association of City and County Health Officials (NACCHO), and the National Indian Health Board (NIHB) to support a collaborative technical assistance opportunity, the Cross-jurisdictional Systems Improvement Partnership (CJSIP) program, as part of its Strong Systems, Stronger Communities (SSSC) initiative.

This opportunity aims to improve performance improvement practice and increase innovation in response to systems challenges, and to support progress toward meeting national public health standards among Tribal, local, and state health departments. This project is designed to strengthen cross-jurisdictional partnerships among Tribal, local and state health entities to develop and implement a shared action plan toward public health systems improvement. This opportunity requires a shared commitment from at least one Tribal, one local, and one state health department to collaborate on a joint public health systems improvement project.

Partners are to submit a joint letter of interest no later than December 6, 2019. The selected partnership will receive in-person and remote performance improvement capacity-building technical assistance provided by ASTHO, NACCHO, and NIHB from January to July 2020, including through a 2-day in-person workshop. This opportunity does not include direct funding.

This opportunity – in contrast to others offered by ASTHO, NACCHO, or NIHB – requires a shared commitment from at least one Tribal, one local, and one state health department (i.e., Partnership) to collaborate on a joint public health systems improvement project. This Partnership can include a combination of health entities of:

• Federally recognized Tribal governments, Tribal organizations, or inter-Tribal consortiums (as defined in the Indian Self-Determination and Education Assistance Act, as amended),
• City, county and other regional health departments, and
• State health departments (i.e., those within the 50 U.S. states and the District of Columbia).

Completed applications are due via the online application form by Friday, December 6, 2019 at 11:59pm ET

Apply Here

Additional information on NIHB’s resources for performance improvement, systems improvement, and public health accreditation may be found by visiting www.nihb.org/tribalasi.

Questions may be directed to Sarah Price, sprice@nihb.org, 202-507-4078.