TECs in the Media

TECs in the Media

Data Justice Talk Story

Vibrant Hawaii Vibrant Hawaiʻi hosts Abigail Echo Hawk, Executive Director of the Urban Indian Health Institute and Liz La quen naay Medicine Crow of ...

NIHB Webinar: Contact Tracing in Indian Country 7/10/20

NIHB The National Indian Health Board (NIHB) hosted a webinar on contact tracing in Indian Country. Case investigation and contact tracing are core methods ...

After facing supply shortages, Southern California tribes work to expand COVID-19 testing

Desert Sun – Health In a remote patch of desert near the Salton Sea, the Torres Martinez Desert Cahuilla Indians run a small ...

JHCAIH’s Dr. Laura Hammitt on the frontlines of the Center’s COVID-19 response on the Navajo Nation

JHCAIH This powerful video, produced by our parent organization, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, focuses on our Center’s work on the Navajo ...

Pandemic Complicates Tribes’ Quest For Data Sovereignty

KUNC – Community Radio for Northern Colorado Imagine if your state health department put out a press release specifically naming your family, and ...

Coronavirus pandemic puts Alaska’s epidemiologists front and center

ADN – Sponsored Content Epidemiology is having a moment in the spotlight, but disease trackers are on the job 365 days a year, gathering ...