National Conference on American Indian/Alaska Native Injury and Violence Prevention
The call for abstracts is now open for the National Conference on American Indian/Alaska Native Injury and Violence Prevention. The conference will take place July 23-25 in Denver, Colorado at the Renaissance Denver Stapleton Hotel. Six tracks will be featured that encompass a wide range of injury prevention topics, along with several keynote speakers. Tracks are listed below, and a description of each track can be found on the Call for Abstracts website.
- Community and Culture
- Innovative Strategies and Emerging Issues in AI/AN Injury and Violence Prevention
- Linking Clinical and Community Injury Prevention Programs
- Program Development and Implementation
- Program Success, Evaluation, and Continuation
- Violence and Intentional Injury Prevention
All abstracts will be submitted via an online abstract submission portal that can be accessed by clicking here. You will need to create an account on the website prior to submitting an abstract.
The deadline for submitting abstracts is Friday, May 24.
Speakers will be notified no later than Friday, June 7.
Conference and hotel registration information will be released next week.
For any questions related to the conference contact Jason Hymer (