Improving Data Access and Use Between Tribes, Tribal Epidemiology Centers, and States
This webinar is for Tribes, Tribal Epidemiology Centers (TEC), and Tribal serving organizations to learn more about data access and the data use agreement (DUA)/memorandum of understanding (MOU) process. Attendees may also invite a colleague from the state Department of Health to attend the webinar.
In this webinar subject matter experts (SMEs) from the Northwest Portland Area Indian Health Board, Oregon Office of Health Affairs, and the National Health Law Program/ChangeLab will provide an overview on drafting DUAs/MOUs and how TECs could work with tribes and states to get access to public health data. Participants learn more about some successful DSAs with TECs and Tribes and what TECs should consider when writing DSAs (e.g., protections for Tribes, small numbers policies, etc.).
In addition SMEs will provide an overview of MOU Best Practices and share details on what states need to know when working with TECs and Tribes on writing and successfully completing agreements and MOUs provide. There will also be time for questions and answers at the end of the presentations.
Tuesday, June 25, 2019
2 to 3:30 pm ET; 11 am to 12:30 pm PT
More details, including an agenda will be shared before the webinar.
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